Aarhus Universitets segl

Global Footprints, Local Contexts : Sites and Places in World Literature

How has literature shaped new interpretations of locality in an era of rapid changes of localities, movements of peoples, transformations of languages, identities and values? How has our sense of place unfolded in cultural history? Where do the changes take us?

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Torsdag 12. september 2013,  kl. 11:15 - 14:00


Aarhus University, building 1584, room 112 (Kasernen)

The first lecture in the lecture series Global Footprints, Local Contexts.

Speakers are Professor David Damrosch, Comparative Literature, Harvard University, and Associate Professor Dan Ringgaard, Scandinavian Studies, AU.

David Damrosch is a leading figure in the development of World Literature as growing research field, in particular with his groundbreaking book What is World Literature? (2003) and the six volume anthology  Longman Anthology of World Literature (2004). Comparative Literature at Aarhus University has worked with Professor Damrosch for a number of years, for example byteaching at the international doctoral summer school Institute for World Literature and where Aarhus University is also represented in its steering group(www.iwl.fas.harvard.edu).

Dan Ringgaard has worked intensively with the problem of space and place, in particular in his Stedssans (2010) for which he was awarded the Georg Brandes Prize in 2011. He is one of the main editors in the four volume project Nordic Literary Cultures which will begin to appear in the coming years in the framework of the International Comparative Literature Association.