Aarhus Universitets segl

Guest speaker: Anders J. Schoubye (Edinburgh)

"Type ambiguous names"

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Fredag 4. april 2014,  kl. 12:30 - 14:30


Philosophy and Intellectual History, 1467/616

Abstract: The orthodox view of proper names, Millianism, provides a very simple and elegant explanation of the semantic contribution (and semantic properties) of referential uses of names, namely names that occur as bare singulars and as arguments of a predicate. However, one problem for Millianism is that it cannot explain the semantic contribution of predicative uses of names (as in e.g. 'there are two Alberts in my class'). In recent years, an alternative view, so-called The-Predicativism, has become increasingly popular. According to The-Predicativism, names are uniformly count nouns. This straightforwardly explains why names can be used predicatively, but is prima facie less congenial to an analysis of referential uses. To address this issue, The-Predicativists argue that referential names are in fact count nouns flanked by a covert definite determiner - and hence, a referential name is a (covert) definite description. In this paper, I will argue that despite the appearance of increased theoretical complexity, the view that names are ambiguous between predicative and referential types, is in fact superior to the unitary The-Predicativist view. However, I will also argue that to see why this (type) ambiguity view is better, we need to rethink the analysis of referential names. In particular, we need to give up the standard Millian analysis. Consequently, I will first propose an alternative analysis of referential names that (a) retains the virtues of Millianism, but (b) provides an important explanatory connection to the predicative uses. Once this analysis of names is adopted, the explanation for why names are systematically ambiguous between referential and predicative types is both simple and elegant. 

Hosted by the Research Unit for Epistemology, Metaphysics, and Philosophy of Cognition