Aarhus Universitets segl

Information meeting in Aarhus about possibilities for enrolment as PhD student at AU/DPU

Are you considering to apply for enrolment as a PhD student at AU / DPU? Come to the Information meeting in Aarhus.

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Torsdag 7. december 2017,  kl. 14:00 - 16:00


Room 1441-110, Aarhus University, Tåsingegade 3, 8000 Aarhus C

At this meeting you will have knowledge about the PhD study:

  • Information about PhD calls for spring 2018
  • Who can apply?
  • What is a good application?
  • What implies enrolment as a PhD student?
  • Where and how to apply for PhD enrolment at Graduate School of Arts, Aarhus University?

The meeting is arranged by the PhD directors at DPU:
Sven-Erik Holgersen, the PhD program for Didactics and Karen Valentin, the PhD program for Learning and Education.

Sven-Erik Holgersen wiil be at the meeting.

All Ba- and MA-students as well as candidates are welcome.