Aarhus Universitets segl

Journeys in Gang Masculinity: Insights from a Decade of Ethnographic Research

Seminar in Aarhus with Professor Ross Deuchar

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Onsdag 25. april 2018,  kl. 11:00 - 14:00


DPU, Aarhus University, Campus Aarhus, Jens Chr. Skous Vej 4, 8000 Aarhus C, room 1483-444



In this seminar, Professor Ross Deuchar will share insights from over a decade of experience of working with gang members across three continents of the world. Drawing upon his extensive ethnographic research in Europe, the United States of America and Asia, he will highlight the multiple forms of marginality that young, working class and ethnic minority men often encounter and the way in which they often attempt to deny or refute their position as subordinated or marginalised via the status and distinction afforded them through gang-related offending.

Through sharing the voices and perspectives of gang members he has interviewed in different parts of the world as well as insights from participant observation of policing strategies, rehabilitation and prevention programmes, he will present evidence of the type of approaches that best enable male gang members to reconceptualise their sense of marginalised masculinity and facilitate gang disengagement and criminal desistance.

Through drawing upon both positive and negative illustrations of policing, judicial and penal structures, Deuchar will argue that desistance is most likely to occur via the implementation of humanising, emancipatory interventions and programmes that place an emphasis on compassion, social justice and equity. In particular, he will argue that, underneath the tough exterior of many male gang members, there is an ethical, moral and softer side that simply needs to be nurtured in the right way in order to allow it to flourish in contexts outside of crime.

About Ross Deuchar
Professor Ross Deuchar, PhD, is Assistant Dean in the School of Education, co-Director of the Interdisciplinary Research Unit on Crime, Policing and Social Justice at the University of the West of Scotland and a Fulbright Scholar, known primarily for his work on youth gangs, masculinity, street culture and violence and also procedural justice issues within policing. He has published five books and numerous articles in peer-reviewed journals on his work, and his newest book ‘Gangs and Spirituality: Global Perspectives’ will be published by Palgrave MacMillan in summer 2018.




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