Aarhus Universitets segl

Learning to live with a lively planet. The role of the university in a changing climate

CANCELLED - THE SEMINAR IS POSTPONED DUE TO THE AU CORONA DIRECTIVE. Public talk by Professor Keri Facer. Spring Seminar Series on ‘Livability, Hate and Ethnographic Methodologies’.

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Torsdag 26. marts 2020,  kl. 15:00 - 16:30

Keri Facer is Professor of Educational and Social Futuresat the University of Bristol, School of Education and Zennström Chair in Climate Change Leadership, University of Uppsala. She works on rethinking the relationship between formal educational institutions and wider society and is particularly concerned with the sorts of knowledge that may be needed to address contemporary environmental, economic, social and technological changes.

In this talk, Keri Facer will argue that the implications of climate change for universities goes far beyond becoming aware of our climate emissions. Instead, she proposes that the role of the university should be to assist in the civilizational change that will be required to come to terms with living with a lively planet - bringing implications for curriculum, for the relationships between universities and their communities, and for the idea of the person at the heart of the educational process.

Everybody is welcome, no registration necessary.

Arranged by: Centre for Higher Education Futures