Aarhus Universitets segl

Locating being. Footnotes to Heidegger

Open seminar with Jeff Malpas, University of Tasmania

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Tirsdag 17. december 2013,  kl. 13:00 - 16:45


Meeting room 1, AU conference center (Studenternes Hus)

Jeff Malpas is among the most distinguished scholars in philosophical herme-neutics, especially engaged in the philosophy of lived space and topography. Among his books are Place and Experience (1999), Heidegger’s Topology (2007) and Heidegger and the Thinking of Place (2012).


Jeff Malpas, University of Tasmania: The Beckoning of Language.

Morten Sørensen Thaning, Copenhagen Business School: The Limits of Accountable Existence.

Thomas Schwarz Wentzer, Aarhus University: Answers that I am. Heidegger, Gadamer and the Hermeneutics of Responsiveness.

No registration is required; everybody is welcome. Organized by the research unit ‘Humanity, Mind, Thinking’ at the ‘Program for research in philosophy and history of ideas’, CAS.