Aarhus Universitets segl

Location-Based Games: From Screen to Street

Ph.d.-stipendiat Stine Ejsing-Duun forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling

Oplysninger om arrangementet


fredag 2. december 2011, kl. 13:00 - . kl.
  • Fredag d. 2. december 2011 kl. 13
  • Institut for Uddannelse og Pædagogik
    Tuborgvej 164, 2400 Kbh. NV.
  • Forsvaret finder sted i lokale D174
    (dørene lukkes præcist)


Lektor Kjetil Sandvik, Institut for Medier, Erkendelse og Formidling, Københavns Universitet

Seniorforsker Annika Waern, Mobile Life, Interaktiva Instituttet, Sverige

Lektor Rikke Ørngreen, Institut for Uddannelse og Pædagogik (DPU), Aarhus Universitet (formand)


Lektor Carsten Jessen

Lektor Lars Birch Andreasen

Afhandlingen udlånes på Danmarks Pædagogiske Bibliotek og ligger endvidere inden forsvaret til gennemsyn i  ph.d.-sekretariatet, Campus Emdrup (A114b).

Institut for Uddannelse og Pædagogik er vært ved en efterfølgende reception.


Location-Based Games: From Screen to Street

The dissertation explores which prerequisites are necessary in location-based games (LBGs) to make meaningful the meeting between players and spatiality with an emphasis on physical locations. Throughout the dissertation, it is shown that LBGs affect players’ perception of and behavior in everyday spaces, as the games reside on the boundaries between the continuums of play and ordinary, authentic and fictional, and as they merge physical and digital media. LBGs let the player explore the boundaries between these dimensions which are related through play. The LBG acts as a mediator for the meeting between the player and locations through the boundaries between the six dimensions. The motivation is to push the development of and research in LBGs toward actualizing the potential for expanding LBGs’ spatial aspect even further and to contribute with a cohesive framework on LBGs.