Aarhus Universitets segl

MCH PhD seminar

Materials, Culture & Heritage research programme

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Torsdag 8. oktober 2015,  kl. 12:00 - 18:00


Aarhus University, Moesgaard 4205-212 (lab. 3)



14.00 Practicalities & welcome by Helle Vandkilde

14.20 Torben Trier Christiansen:Late Iron Age Rural Prosperity‐GIS analyses of

metal detector finds and metal‐rich sites from the Limfjord region

14.40 Matteo Pilati: Enhancing evidence: the role of image‐based 3D recording and

digital replicas in archaeological investigations

15.00 Jacob Kveiborg:Horse in the Nordic Bronze Age – current status, preliminary

results and future challenges

15.20 Coffee Break

15.40 Matthias Bjørnevad Jensen: Ritualising the everyday and the extraordinary in

the Northern European Mesolithic: A comparative multi‐scale based analysis of

Mesolithic pre‐depositional and depositional practices

16.00 Anna Tjelldén:In situ and post‐excavation dissolution of bone – the pattern of

Generalized Destruction

16.20 Anna Severine Beck:Time, temporality and architecture in the Viking Age…

Short break

c. 16.50 Laura McAtackney & Minos Dobat: Cultural Heritage as AU Arts priority

area in education and research

c. 17.00 Questions & Debate

18.00 Dinner with wine in the old student basement in the Archaeology Department across the courtyard