Aarhus Universitets segl

MCH seminar

Fregerslev - a unique horseman's burial from the Viking Period

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Torsdag 26. november 2015,  kl. 12:00 - 17:15


Aarhus University, Moesgaard, 4206-139 Foredragssalen



An archaeological trial excavation in 2012 at Fregerslev near Hørning, Eastern Jutland, revealed an extremely rare grave from the Viking period. The burial contained a high-status horseman, buried with valuable grave goods. At the initial discovery, parts of the bridle and harness for several horses were excavated. Many further precious metal objects are indicated by means of metal detector surveys in the tomb chamber (4.4 × 3 m) and in an even larger pit, which is adjacent to the chamber grave.

The retrieved objects have now been cleaned by conservators and can be dated to the first half of the 900s. In current Denmark only a few rich equestrian graves from this period are known; the majority of these were excavated more than 50 years ago and therefore often lack proper documentation, just as few scientific studies were made during their excavation. However, because of the high costs estimated for a full excavation of the tomb and for preservation of the objects found, the Fregerslev tomb has been covered up again, and the rest of the objects found here are scheduled to be preserved in situ. Is this a sustainable solution – can the finds be preserved in this way? And what can a rich equestrian grave contribute to our knowledge about the Viking Age?

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