Aarhus Universitets segl

MCH seminarer efterår 2016

Oplysninger om arrangementet


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MaterialsCultureHeritage Autumn 2016

Overview of activities in the MCH Research Programme Helle Vandkilde  farkhv@cas.au.dk. Participation free

Detailed announcements will follow of individual activities c. 14 days ahead of scheduled date.


Thursday September 8th Phytoliths in archaeology – case studies from Neolithic Sudan and Viking Age Denmark. Lecture by Dr. Welmoed Out (Moesgård Museum), with comments by René Enevold. – AU Moesgård, Foredragssalen 14.00-16.00 (4206-139).



Thursday September 22ndDendro-Science: From Chronology to Trade and Maritime Traffic. Seminar with Aoife Daly (KU) & Tilo Schöfbeck (Schwerin) with comments by Rainer Atzbach  – AU Moesgård, Foredragssalen 14.00-17.00 (4206-139).



Thursday September 29th Should I stay or should I go now? Sand drift, decision making, and resilience in medieval and post-medieval northern Europe. Seminar with Maïka De Keyzer (Utrecht), Charlotte Boje H. Andersen (Museum Thy) & Kjartan Langsted (Museum Nordsjælland with comments by Felix Riede & Mette Svart Kristiansen.  AU Moesgård, Foredragssalen 14.00-17.00 (4206-139)



Thursday October 27th Entangled. Cultural encounters in the Northern Worlds​ with a keynote speaker TBA.  Seminar organised by Jette Linaa (Moesgård Museum) & Magdalena Naum. AU Moesgård 13.00-17.00 (4205-212 lab 3).



Wednesday-Thursday November 2-3rd Post-Battle Sacrifices in the Iron Age Alken project  conference – AU Moesgård Auditorium



Thursday November 10th Authenticity & Scottish Heritage. Lecture by Sian Jones (Stirling) with comments by Laura McAtackney. AU Moesgård, Foredragssalen 14.00-17.00 (4206-139)



Thursday November 17th The Aristocratic Landscape of the Middle Ages. Lecture by Martin Hansson (Lund), with comments by Rainer Atzbach & Lars Sass Meldgaard Jensen – Foredragssalen 14.00-17.00 (4206-139)



Thursday  November 24th Tracing Animism in Human Evolution: Inter-species Entanglements in Early Human Beliefs organised by Armin W. Geertz, Mathias Bjørnevad Jensen & Helle Vandkilde with Lotte Hedeager (Oslo) as keynote speaker, Sean O'Neill & Matthew Walsh (AU Arctic Centre AU), and Jens Notroff (DAI-Göbekli Tepe) in addition to other potential speakers – AU Moesgård, Foredragssalen 13.00-17.00 (4206-139)



Thursday December 1st Tales of Bronze Age Women. Lecture by Karin M. Frei (NM) with comments by Helle Vandkilde & Marcello Mannino – AU Moesgård, Foredragssalen 14.00-17.00 (4206-139)



Thursday December 8th Results and perspectives of the Fehmern Bridge project. Lectures by Bjørnar Måge with team (Museum Lolland-Falster) with comments by Niels Nørkjær Johannsen – AU Moesgård, Foredragssalen 14.00-17.00 (4206-139)



December 13-14th SMIA XII Nordic Conference on the Application of scientific Methods in Archaeological Research: Benchmarking Interdisciplinarity in Archaeological Science



Thursday December 15th Tracking changes 3.0. Thresholds, cycles, and collapses: Challenges of la longue durée in the historical and archaeological disciplines. Seminar in a series organised by Mette Løvschal. AU Moesgård tentatively Foredragssalen 10.00-16.00 (4206-139)