Aarhus Universitets segl

Movements of People and Ideas in the First Millennium

Joint seminar for the three research programmes Classical Antiquity and its Heritage; History – Power, Representation and Political Culture and Theology – Formation, Reformation and Transformation

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Mandag 24. april 2017,  kl. 10:00 - 16:00


Aarhus University, The Student House, Room 1, Bldg. 1421, Fredrik Nielsens Vej 4

Program (pdf)

The keynote 10:00-12:00 is public.  

Keynote speaker: Garth Fowden
Sultan Qaboos Professor of Abrahamic Faiths, University of Cambridge, Later First Millennium Knowledge Circuits: The Role of Alexandria

Contact: Jakob Engberg je@cas.au.dk and Troels Myrup Kristensen tmk@cas.au.dk