Aarhus Universitets segl

New Nordic Cooperation in Security Policy and its Institutional Consequences

Workshop organized by the Jean Monnet Centre at AU and the NORDFORSK network, Nordic Cooperation Revisited

Oplysninger om arrangementet


onsdag 24. april 2013, kl. 12:00 - torsdag 25. april 2013, kl. 13:00


Building 1461, room 516

Wednesday and Thursday 24 and 25 April, 12-18 and 9-13

The workshop will discuss current challenges to Nordic institutional cooperation from a historical and cross-disciplinary perspective. While it is often claimed that europeanization and globalization undermines Nordic institutional cooperation, some – like Gunnar Wetterberg – are arguing that globalization and the present crisis of the EU present a window of opportunity for re-configurating and intensifying Nordic institutional cooperation.

 During recent years, security policy has become the most vibrant and visible field of Nordic cooperation. What does this change mean for the Nordic brand both within and outside Norden? Are there dangers involved? What does it imply for the traditional fields of Nordic cooperation such as welfare and culture? What consequences does it have with regards to the traditional institutions for Nordic cooperation, i.e. the Nordic Council and the Nordic Council of Ministers?

The workshop aims at initiating a discussion on ways of grounding and developing Nordic institutional cooperation in the 21st Century.

 The workshop is arranged by the Jean Monnet centre at Aarhus University and the network Nordic cooperation revisited (funded by Nordforsk)


 Pertti Joenniemi

Clive Archer

Silja Omarsdottir

Hanna Ojanen

Carl-Einar Stålvant

 Johan Strang

Ann-Marie Ekengren

Larserik Häggman

Thorsten Borring Olesen

Øyvind Tønneson