Aarhus Universitets segl

Open Seminar: Approaching 18th Century Culture

An interdisciplinary PhD Seminar on methodologies in 18th Century cultural history

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Fredag 21. marts 2014,  kl. 00:00 - 00:00


Aarhus University


Cultural dynamics

18th Century Studies cover a broad range of disciplines, such as history, history of ideas, history of art, philosophy and history of literature. This PhD seminar will explore how different disciplines approach the study of 18th Century culture. In order to promote interdisciplinarity in this field of research we will discuss the following questions:

Are the methods we use for organizing our knowledge useful on other topics? Do the periodical boundaries that we establish make sense to researchers from other disciplines? Do the different disciplines understand their sources differently? How could the methods of other disciplines be used in our research? For instance, the historian might find inspiration in the way the historian of literature interprets letters, and the historian of ideas might find the approach of the legal historian to judicial documents interesting.

The presentations will focus on cross-disciplinary methodologies in the studies of cosmopolitanism, the fictional novel and political culture across the long 18th Century.

Welcome by Nina Javette Koefoed, associate professor, Aarhus University

Key note by Charlotta Wolff, adjunct professor, University of Helsinki: Cultural history and interdisciplinarity in Eighteenth-Century studies

Coffee/ tea break

Ulrik Reindel, PhD student, Aarhus University: Forgotten Tapestries. On the representational use of tapestries in early modern Europe and a case of failed logistics at the itinerary court of Christian 4. (Discussant: Nina Koefoed)

11.00- 11.30:
Kristine Dyrmann, PhD student, Aarhus University: A few chosen friends: Of letters, networks and sociability in 1790s Copenhagen (Discussant: Charlotta Wolff)

Lunch break

Simona Zetterberg Gjerlevsen PhD student, Aarhus University: Fictionality in the 18th century novel (Discussant: Stefan Gaardsmand Jacobsen, assistant professor, Aarhus University)

Eva Krause Jørgensen, PhD student, Aarhus University: The agrarian reforms in Denmark (Discussant: Jørgen Mührmann-Lund, assistant professor, Aarhus University)

Discussion chaired by Nina Javette Koefoed

Coffee/ tea break

Key note by Elaine Chalus, professor, Bath Spa University: "Fanning the Flames: Fashion & Politics in 18th century England"

You can download the programme here.

Organizing committee: Jørgen Mührmann-Lund, Kristine Dyrmann.
For questions regarding the workshop please contact Kristine Dyrmann, kulkvn@hum.au.dk.