Aarhus Universitets segl

Personal Reflections on the Field of Comparative Education Over the Past Fifty Years

Robert Arnove, Emeritus Professor, visits MALLL Colloquia autumn 2012

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Fredag 9. november 2012,  kl. 10:00 - 12:00


Campus Emdrup, A220 Festsalen

Professor emeritus Robert Arnove

Personal Reflections on the Field of Comparative Education Over the Past Fifty Years

This talk by Emeritus Professor Robert F. Arnove will trace his educational and scholarly careers as they intersected with developments in the field of education since his doctoral studies at Stanford University in the 1960s.

He will discuss his writings on world-systems analysis, philanthropy and cultural imperialism, the history of national literacy campaigns, non-formal and popular education (especially in Latin America), education and revolution (in Nicaragua), as well as his co-editing leading comparative education textbooks in English:  first, with Philip G. Altbach and Gail P. Kelly, and, more recently, Carlos Alberto Torres.

His talk will review promising new trends in comparative education research discussed in his 2001 CIES (the Comparative and International Education Society) Presidential Address and his introduction to the upcoming 2013 4th edition of his co-edited Comparative Education:  The Dialectic of the Global and the Local.

Stavros Moutsios will serve as moderator.

Hosted by MALLL Colloquia.