Aarhus Universitets segl

PhD Defence: David Nicolas Matzig, MA

New Cultural Taxonomies for the European Final Palaeolithic

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Fredag 27. september 2024,  kl. 13:00 - 16:00


Aarhus University, Moesgaard Museum, Conference room 301, building 4240, Moesgård Allé 15, 8270 Højbjerg

On Friday 27 September 2024 at 1:00 pm Danish time (CEST) David Nicolas Matzig, MA, will be defending the dissertation

New Cultural Taxonomies for the European Final Palaeolithic

The defence is public, and everybody is welcome; the defence, scheduled for a maximum of three hours, will be held in English.

The dissertation will be available for public inspection in a digital version before the defence. To obtain a digital version of the dissertation, please contact David Nicolas Matzig, david.matzig@cas.au.dk, no later than 25 September, 15:00 CET.

Assessment committee

  • Associate professor Iza Romanowska
    Center for Humanities Computing
    Aarhus University (chair)
  • Regents professor Anna Prentiss
    Department of Anthropology
    University of Montana
  • Associate professor Charles Perreault
    School of Human Evolution and Social Change
    Arizona State University


  • Professor Felix Riede
    Department of Archaeology and Heritage

    Aarhus University
  • Associate professor Alejandro Ordonez Gloria
    Department of Biology
    Aarhus University
  • Research associate Shumon T. Hussain
    Multidisciplinary Environmental Studies in
    the Humanities
    University of Cologne