Aarhus Universitets segl

PHD-Defence: Heide Wrobel Nørgaard

Craftsmanship and Metalwork in the Nordic Bronze Age: Craft Organisation, Craftspeople and their Areas of Contact.

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Mandag 24. november 2014,  kl. 13:00 - 17:00


Aarhus University, Moesgaard building 4206, Room 139

Heide Wrobel Nørgaard will defend her dissertation:

Craftsmanship and Metalwork in the Nordic Bronze Age: Craft Organisation, Craftspeople and their Areas of Contact.

The defence takes place on Monday 24th of November at 1.00 pm at Moesgaard Allé 20, building 4206, Room 139, Foredragssalen.

Assessment Committee

  • Professor Barbara Regine Armbruster, Université de Toulouse le Mirai
  • Lecturer Benjamin Roberts, Durham University
  • Professor Mads Kähler Holst, Aarhus University


  • Professor Helle Vandkilde, Aarhus University (main supervisor)
  • Professor Svend Hansen, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut Berlin

The dissertation is available for reading at the office of Inger Sørensen, Department of Culture and Society, Moesgaard Allé 20, 4235/122