Aarhus Universitets segl

PhD pre-defence seminar. Anna Severine Beck & Arjen Heijnis (staff only)

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Torsdag 13. oktober 2016,  kl. 13:00 - 18:00


Moesgård, 4205-212 (Lab 3)

4205-212 Lab 3

Invited opponent PhD Rasmus Birch Iversen, Moesgård Museum.

Members of staff will participate in the discussion whilst Helle Vandkilde

will lead the event


13.15-13.30: Welcome


13.30-14.30 Anna S. Beck: The idea of a ‘Good Life’ – a study of people,

architecture and temporality in the Late Iron Age


14.30-15.00 Break with coffee, tea and cake


15.00-16.00 Arjen Heijnis: ‘An enclosure according to their customs’:

military fortifications in the Iron Age of Southern Scandinavia


16.00-16.15 short break


16.15-16.45 Peter Jensen will give an informal presentation of his PhD

project joint between AU and York University An archaeological data

model for complex spatial data. This does not form part of the pre-defence



c. 17.00 Reception with a little wine and food