Aarhus Universitets segl

PhD-workshop with visiting professor Fazal Rizvi from Melbourne University on ”Education, Globalization and Imagination”

Second session - one-day workshop - begining with a presentation by Professor Rizvi detailing the concept of social imaginaries and its application in the study of educational projects in an age concerned with globalization.

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Tirsdag 14. oktober 2014,  kl. 09:30 - 16:30


Room D217, Department of Education, Aarhus University, Campus Emdrup, Tuborgvej 164, 2400 Copenhagen NV

Workshop outline:
Built around Professor Rizvi’s writing the workshop will focus on the social imaginaries of globalization and the knowledge economy and their links to education policy.

The first session, (October 7, 14.30 – 16.30 in room D165) is a public lecture by Professor Rizvi entitled ‘The rise of Asian Higher Education’.

Prior to this second session, a one-day workshop, participants are asked to write and circulate a short project description relating their material and projects to Professor Rizvi’s ideas and vocabulary about ‘social imaginaries’ concerning globalization and education.

This second session - one-day workshop - will begin with a presentation by Professor Rizvi detailing the concept of social imaginaries and its application in the study of educational projects in an age concerned with globalization.

This will be followed by a series of student presentations where each will be questioned and critiqued by a peer student with the help of professor Rizvi. The workshop will end in a concluding session, which based on the discussion of student projects will draw up key methodological and conceptual practices for engaging with the implications of imagined futures, scales, and economies in studies of projects concerned with education.

Students will prepare for the workshop through the reading of chapters 12-14 in Rizvi’s recent book, ‘Encountering Education in the Global’ (Routledge 2014) and ‘Rethinking “Brain Drain” in the Era of Globalisation’ (Asia Pacific Journal of Education 25 (2): 175–192 – 2005), the circulation of and reading of project descriptions, and their participation in the public lecture on October 7. Participation will be limited to 9 PhD.-students, but the workshop will be kept open for interested postgraduate students, IUP PhD-students without paper, and other faculty at IUP.

Participation in the workshop is free, but you have to register here

The places in the work shop will be allotted based on the order of registration.

Suggested ECTS: 1 ECTS

Program workshop:
9:30 Coffee and registration

9:45 Short introduction by professor Susan Wright, Department of Education, Aarhus University.

10:00 Around the table short introductions of projects and interests

10:30 Presentation and discussion by professor Fazal Rizvi: ‘The study of education policy under globalization’

11:30 Break

11:45 First round of student project discussions (3 projects)

12:45 Lunch (self-financed)

13:45 Second Round of student project discussions (3 projects)

14:00 Break for coffee 

14:15 Third round of student project discussions (3 projects)

15:15 Wrap up session including participation from professor Susan Wright.

16:15 End of workday – Students and professors will make it towards midtown for workshop dinner.

18:30 Workshop dinner (voluntary, inexpensive and self-financed)

People responsible for the course: Prof Sue Wright, Jakob W. Ørberg

Contact: Jakob Williams Ørberg, PhD Fellow, phone +45 2619 1975, mail jwo@edu.au.dk.

Fazal Rizvi is a Professor in Education at the University of Melbourne and a fellow of the Australia India Institute. He joined the University in July 2010 from the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, where he directed the Global Studies in Education program. Much of professor Rizvi’s recent research has focused on issues of identity, culture, global mobility of students; and theories of globalization and the internationalization of higher education. His current projects include an examination of the ways in which Indian universities are negotiating pressures of globalization and the knowledge economy, as well as a more theoretical exploration of the cosmopolitan possibilities of education. His recent books include: Youth Moves: Identities and Education in a Global Era (Routledge 2007), (Routledge 1996), Globalization and the Study of Education (Wiley 2009), Globalizing Educational Policy (Routledge 2010), Encountering Education in the Global (Routledge 2014). Professor Rizvi will be visiting Department of Education at Aarhus University as a MALLL fellow October 1-18, 2014.