Aarhus Universitets segl

Re-thinking bullying

The research project eXbus – Exploring Bullying in School – is hosting its closing conference “Re-thinking bullying” at the Danish Centre for Architecture, Copenhagen.

Oplysninger om arrangementet


onsdag 2. maj 2012, kl. 08:30 - torsdag 3. maj 2012, kl. 16:15


Danish Centre for Architecture, Copenhagen, Strandgade 27B DK - 1401 København K

The aim is to wrap up four years of research within the multifaceted aspects of bullying and to let this research enter into dialogue with other fields and other perspectives.

The conference will not merely mark the conclusion of the eXbus research project, but will provide an opportunity for an on-going dialogue amongst researchers in this and neighboring fields. It is a research conference with  maximum 60 participants

The conference is organized around two keynotes (by Emma Renold, Cardiff University, and by Donna Cross, Edith Cowan University, Perth) and a number of sessions, based on eXbus presentations which will  be addressed by invited discussants. Each session will include substantial time for open discussion.

Please register for the conference at https://webshop.dpu.dk/eXbus_conference


Each session includes substantial time for open discussion

May 2

Tea and coffee available

Re-thinking bullying

  • Jette Kofoed: conference format
  • Dorte Marie Søndergaard: eXbus – closing down, opening up

Session 1: Intra-acting forces in dynamics of bullying

  • Dorte Marie Søndergaard: Real-virtual relational practices among children – bullying, computer gaming, and imaginary
    Discussant: Ann Phoenix, Institute of Education, London
  • Nina Hein: Intra-acting forces in parents’ possible impact on children’s bullying in school
    Discussant: Oddbjørg Skjær Ulvik, Høgskolen i Oslo

12.00-13.00 Lunch

Key note: Emma Renold, University of Cardiff
Gender, violence and ethical relationality: re-theorising subjectivity and power in young children’s gendered and sexual becomings.

Break, tea and coffee available

Session 2: Social life and death

  • Helle Rabøl Hansen: (Be)longing – bullying seen as longing for belonging
    Discussant: Maja Røn Larsen, Roskilde Universitet
  • Robin May Schott: Scale of Evil
    Discussant: Carl Cederström, University of Cardiff

May 3

Key note: Donna Cross, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia
One size doesn’t fit all:  The importance of understanding local complexities to enhance the effectiveness and sustainability of school prevention and intervention strategies

Session 3: Bullying in childhood - recollected by adults

  • Charlotte Mathiassen: Remembering being bullied – Traces into adulthood
    Discussant: Helle Bjerg, University College Capital (UCC)
  • Eva Silberschmidt Viala: A context-sensitive analysis of the relationship between children’s personal abilities and upbringing and bullying.
    Discussant: Eva Gulløv, Aarhus Universitet

12.30-13.30 Lunch

Session 4: Interpreting numbers, counting interpretations

  • Inge Henningsen: Bullying and classroom culture
    Discussant: Donna Cross, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia

Break, tea and coffee available

Session 5: Virtually mediated processes of inclusion and exclusion

  • Jette Kofoed: Affective rhythms in cyber bullying
    Discussant: Emma Renold, Cardiff University

Re-thinking bullying: wrapping up

  • Morten Nissen, University of Copenhagen
    Ann Phoenix, Institute of Education, London
    Dorte Marie Søndergaard, University of Aarhus