Aarhus Universitets segl

Smart phones in rural India: gender, intersectionality and mediation.

Open Lecture by Dr. Sirpa Tenhunen (Director, Nordic Centre India)

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Onsdag 2. april 2014,  kl. 13:30 - 15:00


Aarhus University, building 1467, room 215


Transnational Modernities

The research programme Transnational Modernities invites all interested to the lecture:

Smart phones in rural India: gender, intersectionality and mediation.
by Dr. Sirpa Tenhunen (Director, Nordic Centre India)

The lecture explores how mobile telephony mediates social interaction, communication and intersecting hierarchies in rural India. I examine differences in phone use and especially in the way people use smart phones and avail the internet. Is the ideology about the need to bridge the digital divide in internet access simply an extremely powerful utopia or does internet access empower people in some ways? How does people’s use of the internet and smart phones differ according to their social position? Theoretically, I aim to develop a research strategy to understand new media and social change through exploring how different forms of mediations interact as part of local hierarchies when a powerful new medium is appropriated.

Download poster here.

Contact: Niels Brimnes, Research Program Director