Aarhus Universitets segl

The Fascist Internationalism. Fascism, Corporativism and Italy’s Colonial Expansion (1920-1930)

PhD seminar with Francesca Antonini.

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Onsdag 2. april 2014,  kl. 14:15 - 16:00


Aarhus University, building 1463, room 515

During the fascist period, some Italian intellectuals developed a distinctstyle of international theorizing, in which they suggested exporting corporativism, the socio-economic ideology of the Italian fascist state, to other parts of the world. In his presentation, Francesca Antonini will analyse this peculiar sort of internationalist thought, drawing particular attention to the theory of the diplomat Giuseppe de Michelis who suggested corporativism as a blueprint for international organizations ofglobal reach, designed to coordinate economic relations and to allocate resources.