Aarhus Universitets segl

The Secret Lives of Colonial Objectivity

By La Vaughn Belle. MCH seminar.

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Torsdag 27. september 2018,  kl. 14:00 - 16:00


Moesgård Museum auditorium (4240, 020) Moesgård allé 15, 8270 Højbjerg.

La Vaughn Belle is best known for working with the coloniality of the Virgin Islands, both in its past relationship to Denmark and its present one with the United States. She works in a variety of disciplines that include: painting, installation, photography, video and public interventions. Borrowing from elements of architecture, history and archeology Belle creates narratives that challenge colonial hierarchies and invisibility.

Her work with colonial era pottery led to a commission with the renowned brand of porcelain products, the Royal Copenhagen. She is the co-creator of “I Am Queen Mary”, the artist-led groundbreaking monument that confronted the Danish colonial amnesia while commemorating the legacies of resistance of the African people who were brought to the former Danish West Indies.


Thursday 27 September 2018,

Moesgaard Museum Auditorium [*venue change*], 2-4pm

Chair: Laura McAtackney