Aarhus Universitets segl

Theatre as facilitation tool in business (and beyond)

Dramaturgy Research Lounge with Thierry Lafforgue, Toulouse, France

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Onsdag 4. september 2024,  kl. 16:00 - 18:00


Kasernen, Lille Sal, Building 1585-119, Langelandsgade 143

Theatre as facilitation tool in business (and beyond). Dramaturgy Research Lounge with Thierry Lafforgue, Toulouse, France.

Having worked for more than 25 years in banking and real estate management, while also being an actor, Thierry Lafforgue co-founded Parenthèses-Théâtre en entreprise where he uses theatre as a tool for team-building, event organisation and training in public speaking and the prevention of psycho-social risks. In this workshop seminar, he will introduce his theatre work with business companies, also giving a short taster of his sessions on emotional intelligence, and answering questions about his approach to using applied theatre as facilitation tool in the business world. Thierry is an associate researcher at the TRANSMIGRARTS-Horizon 2020 research programme of the Spanish department at IKK/AU, and he is also Deputy Mayor of his home community Mondouzil near Toulouse.

  • Wednesday 4th September 2024, 16.00-18.00
  • AU Kasernen, Langelandsgade 143, 1585/119, Lille Sal
  • Participation is free and everyone is welcome, but please register at this link: https://events.au.dk/thierry