Aarhus Universitets segl

Transnational Disease Control 1950-70: The Case of TB

Speakers: Christian W. McMillen, University of Virginia and Niels Brimnes, Aarhus University

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Onsdag 4. november 2015,  kl. 13:00 - 16:00


Aarhus University, Building 1467, room 316


Transnational Modernities

Internationally assisted attempts to control disease in the decades after World War II are prime fields for practicing transnational history. International organizations worked with national, regional and colonial entities in complicated networks, while knowledge and experts travelled – and sometimes did not travel - between regions. The efforts to control tuberculosis in developing areas offer a particularly interesting case, which involved Native Americans, experts and bureaucrats from WHO, colonial doctors in Kenya and health authorities in newly independent India. The two lectures in this seminar look at these efforts from a transnational perspective.


  • Christian W. McMillen (University of Virginia): ’Native America, East Africa, India and Beyond: The Transnational History of Tuberculosis Control’
  • Niels Brimnes (Aarhus University) ‘Transnational Research Collaboration in a Post-Colonial Setting – The Madras Tuberculosis Chemotherapy Centre, 1955-65’

Commentators: Christoph Gradmann (University of Oslo), Rajib Dasgupta (JNU, Delhi)

All are welcome, but registration is required if you are not affiliated to Transnational Modernities. Please register by sending an e-mail to hisnb@cas.au.dk no later than Friday, October 30th.