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Tribal Influences in Maori Higher Education, Lecture by Associate Professor Elizabeth Rata

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Tirsdag 7. juni 2011,  kl. 11:30 - 13:00

Lecture by Associate Professor Elizabeth Rata, Faculty of Education, The University of Auckland

Corporate tribal influence within New Zealand universities has led to policies and practices that divide academics along racial lines and restrict the open nature of academic research. In this presentation I discuss that influence with reference to the Maori Education Tertiary Framework, various university policies, and the ethics criteria that control Maori research. I also analyse the ongoing ‘indigenous victim-colonising oppressor’ discourse that characterises much of the Maori indigneous knowledge approach to argue that this discourse contributes to the ideology that a division exists between two distinct primordial groups despite the reality of New Zealand’s integrated population.

7 June 2011 in A401 at 11.30-13.00