Aarhus Universitets segl

VIZ Tools in the Humanities - GEPHI

Frontiers in Digital Scholarship

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Tirsdag 25. oktober 2016,  kl. 14:00 - 16:00

Mathieu Jacomy will provide an introduction to Gephi including basic functionality and scenarios of use. The core principles of visual network analysis will be covered: the perspective of “exploratory data analysis”, a general methodology for reading a network, and using metrics to evaluate these observations. The methodology will be illustrated with practical examples from social sciences and digital humanities.

Mathieu Jacomy, the lead developer at Bruno Latour’s médialab in Paris, is the designer behind the renowned network visualization platform Gephi and one of the chief toolmakers on the digital humanities scene over the past 10 years.

Due to limited number of seats, please register at lrk@au.dk or tel. +45 50 56 00 92.

Organisers: AU Library, Nobelparken in collaboration with AU, DAI (Digital Arts Initiative), DeiC and DIGHUMLAB