Aarhus Universitets segl

Walking A/r/tography

In this talk, Rita Irwin offers an introduction to a form of arts-based research called a/r/tography.

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Fredag 28. februar 2020,  kl. 13:00 - 14:30


DPU, Tuborgvej 164, 2400 Kbh. NV, Room D169

Professor Rita Irwin, Faculty of Education Department of Curriculum & Pedagogy, University of British Columbia, Canada

A research approach and methodology that emphasizes the practices of making, teaching and learning through living inquiry, Rita will lay out some of its early premises and how it has developed over time including a presentation of the prominent conceptual features and how this work has endured across time. Throughout, there is an emphasis on a/r/tography’s ontological positioning unfolded through an artistic impulse and an invitation to pedagogy. The presentation ends with four brief propositional examples of recent graduate work in a/r/tography.

Everyone is invited to join.