Aarhus Universitets segl

Weaving robots and basketry

A 2-day seminar in Copenhagen. Thursday – Friday May 30-31, 9.30-16.00 both days.

Oplysninger om arrangementet


tirsdag 30. maj 2017, kl. 09:30 - onsdag 31. maj 2017, kl. 16:00


Future Technology, Culture and Learning, DPU, Aarhus University, Emdrupvej 54 (the villa), 2400 Copenhagen

The research programme Future Technology, Culture and Learning at DPU, Aarhus University invites all interested to a 2-day seminar on basketry and robots in May. See the full programme below, together with a registration link and speaker presentations. Participation is free but registration is mandatory due to limited seats. 


Welcome and speaker introduction by Cathrine Hasse, Aarhus University, Danish School of Education

Memory and basketry by Stephanie Bunn, University of St. Andrews, Dept. of Social Anthropology

11.00-12.15:Weaving robots and baskets by Cathrine Hasse, Aarhus University, Danish School of Education

12.15-13.00: Lunch

Neuroscience technology and embodiment by Theresa Schilhab, Aarhus University, Danish School of Education

Praktisk anvendelse af pileflet - om sansemæssig involvering by Gitte Kjær Hansen, Pileforeningen

Summing-up by Cathrine Hasse, Aarhus University, Danish School of Education

09.30-09.45:Welcome and speaker introduction by Cathrine Hasse, Aarhus University, Danish School of Education

Weaving robots by Kasper Støy, IT-University of Copenhagen

11.00-12.15: Robot work and wickerwork; the weaving of engagement by Jamie Wallace, Aarhus University, Danish School of Education


Historical baskets by Steen Madsen, Pilefletforeningen

Wickerwork workshop by Steen Madsen, Pilefletforeningen 

Time for questions and debate is included in the allocated timeslots.

Registration deadline is Wednesday May 24, 2017
Participation is free, but registration is mandatory due to a limited number of seats

Cathrine Hasse has a long expertise in studying innovation and culture in organizations with a special focus on universities as workplaces. Her primary research interest is the intersection of culture, learning and technology. She is currently the Coordinator of the H2020 project REELER which aims to align roboticists’ visions of a future with robots with empirically-based knowledge of human needs and societal concerns. She has previously coordinated the EU project UPGEM (Understanding Puzzles in the Gendered European Map) financed by EU 6th framework programme. Cathrine is also the head of the research programme Future Technology, Culture and Learning.

Stephanie Bunn is an anthropologist specializing in Material Culture. Her background is in the arts, having worked as a sculptor and curator before she came into anthropology. Stephanie obtained her PhD (2000) from the University of Manchester, based on research among pastoral nomads in Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia.

Theresa Schilhab is appointed research manager for Ergonomics - COST Action IS1404 E-READ (Evolution of Reading in the Age of Digitization) (2014-2018). http://ereadcost.eu/ Scientific Editor of CURSIV. Her research interests focus on evolutionary explanations of tacit and explicit knowledge, the evolution of epistemological mechanisms, and the impact of bodily experiences on human cognition and learning. Theresa address these issues from neuroiological, embodied cognition, psycholinguistic, comparative psychological and philosophical approaches. Educational neuroscience. smart technology studies, attention restoration theory and cognitive robotics are among the scientific themes that she covers.  

Gitte Kjær Hansen. 52 years old and lives in Falster in Southern Denmark.
Gitte has worked with wickwork since 2000 and taught children, adolescents and adults the past 14 years. She also teaches wickwork at Særlig Tilrettelagt Uddannelse (STU) in Haslev (for youths with special needs) and at  Højskolen Marielyst at Falster.
Gitte is currently in her last semester at the Cand. Pæd. Programmet, Aarhus University, DPU, where she studies “Pilen didaktik” – on bodily and situated learning. Alongside her teaching, Gitte runs her own wickwork company:  www.pilogdesign.dk

Kasper Stoy is a robotics and embodied artificial intelligence researcher holding an associate professor position at the Software and Systems Section of the IT University of Copenhagen. He is currently the PI for the H2020 project Flora-Robotica where one of the goal is to develop braiding robots. He holds a M.Sc. degree in computer science and physics from the University of Aarhus, Denmark (1999) and a Ph.D. degree in computer system engineering from the University of Southern Denmark (2003) where he also worked as assistant professor (2003-2006) and associate professor (2006-2013). He is married and has two kids.

Jamie Wallace has a background in engineering, design, craft and visual art. Research interests include embodied learning, making and designing. His  PhD in design research studied how design processes involve the entangled engagement of different material artefacts, spaces and technologies. His post doc research considered the impact of design and technology on a range of professional practices including designers, teachers, nurses and industrial butchers. Current teaching is in pedagogical anthropology, design anthropology, material culture and  technological literacy.

Steen Madsen has since his youth worked with traditional handicrafts-material like flint, wood, bark, roots and rope. He has worked with basketry for the past 30 years, and professionally for the past 15 years. Steen has worked as an independent teacher of wickwork and travelled both Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland and USA in this occupation. Steen also collaborates with various historical museums on producing basketry products. Steen has written a number of books on wickwork: Flet med pil and Kurve med hjørner. He has also contributed to various journals about the history of basketry. www.steen-madsen.dk