Aarhus Universitets segl

Webinar on decolonisation practices and the university

Webinar organised by the research project ’Fighting for E/quality’

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Tirsdag 12. maj 2020,  kl. 10:00 - 11:30


Webinar on zoom

Webinar organised by the research project ’Fighting for E/quality’ in connection to the course Engaging Educational Anthropology: https://projects.au.dk/fighting-for-equality/     

Zoom link:  https://aarhusuniversity.zoom.us/j/62824753860

Join us for an online webinar where Kolar Aparna (postdoc researcher at the Nijmegen Centre for Border Research, Radboud University) will be reflecting on decolonisation efforts in relation to universities, and the tools and practices emerging in relation to this work. There will be room for questions and dialogue during the session, and the webinar is open to both students and colleagues at DPU.

Having a background in choreography as a performing artist, and more recently in human geography, Aparna has been critically engaged with questions of geographical imaginations and spatial relations as central to power struggles, borders and identities for the last two decades.

Aparna is the initiator of Asylum University, a participatory action research in which collective exercises of hospitality are negotiated and reflected upon. Her chapter in ‘Decolonizing the University’ (eds. Bhambra et al) takes this research as a starting point to investigate knowledge exchange, solidarity beyond and through universities, and relations of co-production with people involved in everyday asylum processes.

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