Aarhus Universitets segl

What are Schools for?

Debating Social Justice, Epistemology and Education from a Sociological and Philosophical Perspective.

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Onsdag 5. december 2012,  kl. 10:00 - 13:00


Campus Aarhus, Building 1343-275 (Juridisk Aud.), Victor Albecks Vej, 8000 Aarhus C

Professor Michael Young and Professor Carl Anders Säfström will pre-sent their views on social justice, epistemology, and education from a sociological and philosophical perspective; and discuss what they see as the major challenges of future education.

Professor Michael Young
Professor of Education, Institute of Education, University of London.Professor Young draws on the sociology of knowledge with a specific focus on curriculum issues and the role of qualifications in educational reform.

Professor Carl Anders Säfström
Professor and Dean of Education at Mälardalen, University in Sweden.Professor Säfström’s research interests are mainly within the field of edu-cation and democracy, with a particular focus on the ethics of responsibility, the politics of emancipation and the aesthetics of freedom as di-mensions of teaching and education.

For further information please contact Bolette Hansen boha@dpu.dk

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