Aarhus Universitets segl

Whose freedom? Which autonomy?

CANCELLED DUE TO THE AU CORONA DIRECTIVE. CHEF Research Seminar. Speaker: Sharon Rider, Professor at Department of Philosophy, Research Coordinator at Department of Economic History, Uppsala University, Sweden.

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Tirsdag 31. marts 2020,  kl. 14:00 - 16:00


Danish School of Education, Campus Emdrup, room D120. Video-link to Centre for Teaching Development and Digital Media, Aarhus University, Campus Aarhus, building 1483, room 656.

In this lecture, Sharon Rider will discuss 1) how the issues involved in questions concerning academic freedom have somewhat different anatomies, depending upon which systems, subjects or organizations are involved (students and teachers, the university and the state, the university and the faculty, etc); and 2) whether the freedom involved is understood primarily in political, economic, or conceptual terms.

The autonomy of one party, actor or agent in one sense can mean drastic incursions on the autonomy of another in a different one. Therefore, to the extent that academic freedom is under attack, the question of what is being threatened and by whom will have somewhat different answers in different contexts.