Aarhus Universitets segl

Women, Citizenship and Public Space in India: Gendered violence and Modernity - Guest lecture

Visitng Professor, Dr. Devleena Ghosh University of Technology Sydney

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Fredag 8. november 2013,  kl. 13:15 - 15:00


Room 1465-215


Research Programme Transnational Modernities

Guest lecture: 8. November, room 1465-215


1 pm (13.15)




Women, Citizenship and Public Space in India: Gendered violence and Modernity


Visiting Professor, Dr. Devleena Ghosh

University of Technology Sydney



The brutal gang rape and murder of a young woman in Delhi in December 2012 led to an unprecedented upsurge of public outrage and demands for state intervention. Why did this particular incident take on an independent life in a country where gendered violence, especially towards the rural and urban poor, is endemic? This lecture will examine the context and background of this event as a pivot for the differential impact of liberalisation and modernity on Indian society and culture and the response of the state to citizen demands for action.