Aarhus Universitets segl

Casper Andersen



Primær tilknytning

Casper Andersen CV


  • Videnskabs- og teknologihistorie
  • kolonihistorie og afkolonisering
  • Natur- og kulturarv
  • nuklearhistorie - og diplomati




My field of research is history of ideas, science, and technology in imperial and global contexts. The focus of my current research is science, knowledge, and decolonization with a specific emphasis on the role of UNESCO. I also publish on the history and politics of nuclear weapons, science diplomacy, heritage, and history of science in Denmark. I supervise within these areas from BA to PhD and postdoctoral level.


At the School of Culture and Society at Aarhus University, I teach courses in global intellectual history, methods in the history of ideas, history of science and technology, and I run a cross-faculty elective BA-course on the history, philosophy, and politics of the climate crisis.


My collaborative research projects include project on Heritage and Science Diplomacy, small state internationalism, decolonization and historiography, history of Danish colonial botany. My different research projects are connected by a longstanding interest in the spatial dimensions of modern science and technology.   


My extensive outreach activities include 100+ public lectures, exhibitions, and regular media appearances. I am the chairperson in the Danish Society for the History of Technology (2021-), member of the Learned Society at Aarhus University (2023-) and was elected to The Young Academy of the Royal Danish Academy for Sciences and Letters (2015-2020). 



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